UQISA Buku untuk Anak Bangsa

"Buku untuk Anak Bangsa" adalah sebuah inisiatif pelajar dan masyarakat Indonesia di Brisbane, Australia dalam mengumpulkan buku berbahasa Inggris untuk kemudian disumbangkan secara gratis ke sekolah-sekolah, perpustakaan, dan taman bacaan di Indonesia. Siapa saja bisa memohon buku bantuan ini dengan mengontak panitia dan kemudian panitia akan menyeleksi & mengevaluasi. Blog ini merupakan dokumentasi & tempat menorehkan progress report kegiatan "Buku untuk Anak Bangsa"

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pindah Rumah

Dear pembaca blog ini yang setia,

kami beritahukan bahwa blog kami pindah ke www.BuAB.org. Semoga dengan sudah adanya hostingan kami dapat meningkatkan kinerja kami. Jangan lupa, follow kami di twitter; @_BuAB atau menjadi fans di Facebook Page; BuAB

Terima kasih,
salam anak bangsa!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Behind the Scene: the Jakarta Globe

Hello everybody!

This it behind the scene (BTS) post of BuAB's recent article in the Jakarta Globe. All the way from Sudirman CBD (Central Business District), friends from the Jakarta Globe, Zack (right) and Fariez (left), came all the way down to Depok (it's in the outskirt of Jakarta) - where my office is.

They supposed to come at 12 at noon, but as a precaution to avoid the famous severe traffic jam of Jakarta and Depok is not that near for Sudirman CBD, they left their office quite early and arrived in my place at 11. Not a problem ;) The interview went well and lasted for around 1 hour.


Take a peek of BuAB article in the Jakarta Globe here


Be a Facebook fan of the Jakarta Globe here

Monday, September 28, 2009

BuAB on-air!!!

Tune in to your radio this Thursday (1 Oct 2009),
8-10 PM (GMT +7),
at 101.4 Trax FM Jakarta,

coz BuAB will be there!


Nana & Mika

Live streaming available at:

Monday, September 14, 2009

BuAB in the Indonesia Berprestasi web

BuAB has recently been exposed in the Indonesia Berprestasi web.
Take a peek of the article through this link.

Wanna be a VOLUNTEER or a DONOR?
Shout to us at buab@ppi-australia.org

BuAB in the Jakarta Globe

BuAB is featured in the Jakarta Globe 'My Jakarta' section on 09-09-09.
Click here for the full article.

Interested in becoming donors or volunteers? Make yourself heard by dropping us an email to buab@ppi-australia.org

Monday, August 17, 2009

Book recipient in Mataram, NTB Province

(UPDATED: 31 August 2009)
One recipient school of BuAB this year is located in NTB Province, a province next to Bali and quite close with Australia.

The school is up in the mountain. It is at the same height where you can see Mt Agung, the highest mountain in Bali Island (the neighborhood island), and see perfectly Senggigi beach from the top.

To reach the school, you have to ride a motorcycle until certain spot (no car access) and then continue by foot. It takes roughly 1 hour walk & hike the mountain to reach the school.

I still cannot believe how big the effort the students, teachers, and staff should make JUST to go to school.

The school is an elementary school (Grade 1 -6). It has 2 type of classes: 1 indoor class (normal class) and 1 outdoor class. The latter is actually you are studying outside the class, still with the chairs, table, blackboards. Not a good thing. But, the good thing about this outdoor class is the surrounded view is amazing! You can see the other part of the mountain which is a forest!Due to the room limitation, the administration officer's office and classroom are basically in the same place.

Below are pictures of local children:

Thanks to Wawan & Abdul (photo above), local people who connects this project with this school!

Location: Lombok, NTB (West Nusa Tenggara) Province

- Reported by: Mika -

Monday, August 10, 2009

Books arrived at Nabire, Papua

In 2008, BuAB has reached Papua Island. The school to receive BuAB books is SMP Kristen Anak Panah, Nabire.

BuAB' s e-mail

Hello everyone,
If you have somethin to tell us,
just want to let you know that you can send e-mail to:


Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Foto-foto penerima buku di Aceh

Baru saja dapat email dari Pak Muhammad, penerima buku di Aceh:

"Mika, here are the photos of the books that you sent to my schools, SMA Negeri 3 Putra Bangsa and SMA Negeri 1 Kutamakmur , North Aceh. These photos are the ones that I took from SMA Negeri 1 Kutamakmur whereas the ones from SMA Negeri 3 Putra Bangsa will be sent to you later because I haven't had time to go to that school yet.
Thank you very much for sending the books and if you have some more you can send them again to me and I will supply them to other schools."

Salah satu penerima buku BuAB (Buku untuk Anak Bangsa), Beranda "Abaca", merilis program "1 Orang 1 Buku" yang mengajak semua orang untuk mendonasikan buku-buku ke taman bacaan mereka.

Semoga Anda donatur berikutnya!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

2008 BuAB Statistic

All books are now in the palm of recipients' hand. Thanks for everybody who have helped this project since the very beginning until the end. BUT, it's not the end yet. There is one task left: Monitoring the book usage.

Anyway, I put the statistic from this project this year (all Australia) and some pictures from the recipients ;)

Books collected
11,159 books

2,132 kg

Collected fund
AUD $8,662.08 & IDR Rp 4,500,000

at least 40 institutions from Play Group to Universities, and Public Libraries

13 provinces, spread from DI Aceh province to Papua province


Friday, March 6, 2009

BuAB Packing: Brisbane - Nov 2008

Books from a year-long hunting are now packed. In total, we collected approximately 9,000 books weighing for 1.7 ton. Thanks to all volunteers who helped out the packing process. Without them it can't possibly be done!

The volunteers are:
1. Margaret Hounslow
2. Wina Widaningrum
3. Asti Asra
4. Jehan Kapitan Pitu
5. Mas Hardi (suami mbak Jehan)
6. Joan
7. Mbak Wati
8. Mbak Atik
9. Ridho Sinuraya
10. Dini Siswanti
11. Chris Lee
12. Novel Fernando
13. Avissa Azaria (Avi)
14. Olivia Ompusunggu (Oliv)
15. Heriawan Akmam (Heri)
16. Lilys Thamrin
17. Michael Campbell
18. Mas Krisna Murti
19. Machda Tambunan
20. Reymanditya Poerwito (Adit)
21. Rima
22. Bang Stef Bere
23. Ibu Fenty Forsyth
24. Ibunda dari Ibu Fenty Forsyth
25. Ibu Uli
26. Mbak Anggraini
27. Mas Dimas Adrianto

Below are some captures from the packing process.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Book Packing: Call for Volunteers

After 1 year of book hunting started early this year in January,
on 19 & 20 November 2008, all books collected will be packed to be shipped to Indonesia afterwards.

We need lots of human resource for the book packing as thousands books will be packed. 
So, please come join us in this book packing event that will be held in:

Mika's garage
119 Munro Street, St Lucia, Brisbane
QLD 4067
How to get there? visit whereis.com / translink.com.au

Wednesday & Thursday,
19 & 20 November 2008

9 AM to 5 PM

Oh yeah, any snack/food/drink donations are welcome. See ya there!

Below are pictures from 2007 book packing:

Monday, November 3, 2008

BuAB @ UQ News

BuAB (Buku untuk Anak Bangsa) article will be published in the next edition of UQ News. Below is the link to the online article:

Saturday, November 1, 2008


"raBuku" - berasal dari kata "Rabu" dan "buku" - adalah salah satu inisiatif dari kegiatan "BuAB" yang dimana setiap hari Rabu, kami mengundang siapa saja untuk menyumbang 1 buku atau AUD $1

Inisiatif "raBuku" ini terinspirasi dari teman-teman "BuAB" Adelaide yang juga mengajak siapa saja untuk menyumbang 1 buku atau AUD $1 setiap hari Jumat. Inisiatif ini memakai prinsip "dikit-dikit lama-lama menjadi bukit". Walaupun hanya sedikit besar sumbangannya, 1 buku atau AUD $1, lama kelamaan menjadi banyak.

Mau sumbang lebih? Boleh donk,,,,

Untuk donasi uang, bisa ditransfer langsung ke rekening "BuAB" dengan details seperti berikut:

BANK: Westpac
BSB: 034 000
ACCOUNT NO. : 419 464

Untuk yang ingin menyumbang buku, buku bisa di drop-off di:

Garasi Mika Halpin
6/119 Munro Street, St Lucia, Brisbane, QLD 4067

tempat Indah Mekawati
57 Upland Road, St Lucia, Brisbane
pas di depan gerbang Cromwell College

Untuk yang kuliah dan sering beredar di kampus UQ, donasi buku ataupun berupa uang, bisa diberikan ke trustworthy relawan berikut:

Stef Bere
beresteve74@ yahoo.com

Nida Husna

Indah Mekawati
0401 283 482

Asti Asra


jehan_kapitan@ yahoo.com

Rosita Moesa
rmoesa2001@yahoo. com

Mika Halpin

Jika ada pertanyaan mengenai "raBuku", silakan dilayangkan langsung ke salah satu panitia "BuAB".

Terima kasih & salam,

Saturday, October 4, 2008

"BuAB" stall at Halal bi Halal Queensland event

Visit our stall at Halal bi Halal Queensland event, held in Kuraby, Sunday 5 October 2008, to get more information regarding our project this year. And if you have some books to be dropped off, you are more than welcome.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Thanks to Munro Centre St Lucia for books donation

We would like to express our deepest gratitude for Munro Centre at St Lucia, Brisbane for their books donation. We received heaps of books from them.

Munro Centre is a child-care center, located very close to the University of Queesland, St. Lucia campus, in 28 Munro Street, St Lucia, Brisbane, Queensland.

Thanks to Mr. Indigo Willing for the reference. Thanks to Ms.Sue, the Director of Munro Centre. Currently, we don't have any pictures of your place, but we will upload it soon as we have it.

Kunjungan dari BuAB Victoria... Visit from BuAB Victoria

Sabtu minggu lalu,
temen-temen BuAB dari Queensland ketemu sama temen-temen BuAB dari Victoria - Nana - yang kebetulan lagi main ke Brisbane.

Kita ngobrol-ngobrol, sharing cerita tentang BuAB, naik Brisbane Eye juga, dan ga lupa foto-foto.

Nana adalah koordinator BuAB untuk state Victoria. Victoria tahun ini fokus membantu BuAB dalam pengumpulan dana karena tahun ini ada kemungkinan kegiatan ini tidak disupport financially oleh KBRI Canberra dan harus fundraising mandiri. Selain itu, buku-buku sudah terkumpul cukup banyak di state lain seperti Queensland & Adelaide.

ENGLISH ver. :

Last Saturday,
BuAB Queensland team member caught up with BuAB Victoria team member who visited Brisbane.

We talked and discussed about BuAB, had a Brisbane Eye's ride, and took pictures :D

Nana is the coordinator for BuAB Victoria and this year, BuAB Victoria is focusing on fund-raising as there is a possibility that this event will not get financial support from KBRI Canberra (Indonesian Embassy for Australia in Canberra) and thus we have to raise fund by ourselves. Another reason would be, enough books have been collected in Queensland (Brisbane) and South Australia (Adelaide). So, here, we share the tasks.

Bye for now,

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Drop your books at Pesta Rakyat 2008!

Minggu depan, ada event tahunan yang sangat ditunggu-tunggu oleh masyarakat Indonesia di Brisbane: Pesta Rakyat. Pesta Rakyat bisa dibilang 17-an orang-orang Indonesia di Brisbane. Ada bakal karung, tarik tambang, makanan2 Indonesia, art performance (Tari Saman, Tari Piring, Angklung). Acara ini ga hanya punya orang Indo aja lho, orang-orang bule juga banyak yang dateng!!! Setelah tahun lalu dimeriahkan oleh Project Pop yang kocaknya ampun-ampun, bikin sakit perut, tahun ini bakal dimeriahkan oleh Maliq & d'Essential.

SERU kan???

Tapi ada satu ni yang ketinggalan,
di Pesta Rakyat 2008 juga ada BOOKS DROP BOX buat siapa aja yang mau nyumbang buku untuk "Buku untuk Anak Bangsa". Box-nya bisa ditemukan di area games/permainan.

So, tell your family, friends, everyone about Pesta Rakyat & BOOKS DROP BOX "Buku untuk Anak Bangsa"!


ENGLISH version:

At Pesta Rakyat 2008, there will be a BOOKS DROP BOX for everyone willing to drop books donation for "Buku untuk Anak Bangsa" project. The box is located near to the games area. See ya there!

Call for books & money donation